Monday, August 18, 2008

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words...

This photo was taken in 2005 when I was in Yogjarkata for the 17th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation.

It was also the year I was struggling with depression due to the side effects of some medication I was on & stress at work (coz of unrealistic expectations I had of myself & was relying on my own strength rather than on God's).

It was also the year I dropped 20kg (unhealthily) as a result of it, though people who didn't know better complimented on my rapid weight loss.

I have fully recovered from it ever since then - thanks to the grace & mercy of God! Though the weight piled back on, I am learning to lose it the right & proper way through regular exercise & a sensible diet.

The recovery process was painful & at times, I felt as if I might not make it sane & alive. I very much wanted to give up. The lies & thoughts that the enemy tried to make me believe were scary & deceitful! It was so tiring & felt as if there was no hope. John 10: 10 says that the enemy's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. God's purpose is to give life in all its fullness.

My Abba Father loved me so much & had relentless belief in me that I will come out of it stronger & better than before! He sent loved ones to support & walk me through in my times of need. Death as no hold on me anymore for Christ has given me the victory & His Word has set me free!!

I clung onto 2 Timothy 1: 7 for my dear life: For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Suffice to say, it was a dark period of time in my life. During my road to recovery, I did ask "God, why me?". I may never know why till the day I meet my Creator face to face in heaven. But we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8: 28)

Looking back, it was His way of refining & molding me in the Potter's Hands. It was as if God was refining & purifying me as pure gold & silver so that I may once again offer acceptable sacrifices onto the Lord as in Malachi 3: 3.

For this, I am eternally grateful & thankful for! For I will never be the same again! :)

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