Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random Children's Day Photos! :)

Anyone knows why do my photos go all over the place when I upload them? Been like this the past few days. Blah!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Mooncakes!

Bought halal mooncakes for the kids & caregivers to taste & try in class. The pandan one was quite fragrant. It's the mass production kind, 4 pieces for only $4.25! So cheap right? Not bad lah....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All About TOES!!!

Wound's healing fine, see the small section/wedge that has been cut out on the right corner of my big toe.

A kid of mine likes to chew on her toes & peel dry skin till there's raw red wound.

Sensory issue lah, coz don't feel much pain leh.


Brother bought a box of pure durian snowskin mooncakes from Four Seasons.

Do I see some of you drooling already?

Am not a fan of durian so find it so so only lah.

Bought this to share with my kids & caregivers in class tomorrow as we also intend to play with lantern with candles, drink tea with sugar & honey!

4 pieces of each flavour only $4.25! Can you imagine how much hotels earn from their mooncakes? For all you many know, they all come from the same mass production factory! Shall see how it taste when we go at it with the kids!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ingrown Toenail AGAIN! Arrgghh! cool that this seems to be an almost once a year thingy!
Went for my usual 3 monthly podiatrist visit & while she was cutting, cleaning & digging, she casually said "Oh the right side of your right big toe is slightly ingrown. Let me dig out & cut everything out for you now".
And she started digging in to dig out what was embedded happily. Not painful, just slight discomfort & a dull aching pain.

The very expensive antiseptic cream the podiatrist used on me. High class leh, around $32 per tube. She said I can use a cheaper lower end one at the moment, don't need the "cheem" one yet.

Though I was supposed to keep the dressing on & dry for next 2 days, after 1 whole day of chasing the kids in sandals, I don't think it was very hygienic to leave it on overnight. So removed the bandage to hop into shower & will apply tea tree oil (can right?) & redress the wound.
No pain at all, just have to be careful not to hit the wound or have a kid stomp on it. It happened before. Hope it heals in time for me to wear covered shoes to church on Sunday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Things I Like

Ginvera Grape fragrance anti-bacterial hand liquid soap. Smells so fruity, I feel so happy using it! Kill those germs!
Had curry vegetables, chopped long beans, lean pork slices with sweet peanuts & carrots in black sauce & sambal ikan billis, only $2.80! Very homecooked food at this coffeeshop at AMK St. 31.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

HAATO Gelato at Ridgewood

Sister's good friend is working here so we decided to pop by to visit to try her "wares".

I find the gelato so-so only, maybe I made the wrong choice of flavours. Was told that the green tea is nice but didn't choose it coz would rather drink my green tea than eat it. I sample tasted the black sesame & it's not bad too.

Mushroom soup looked thick & the garlic bread was hot & crispy. Don't know how it tasted like coz I didn't get to eat it. The bowl was licked clean so I guess it must have been good!

Mom was able to eat this coz it was eggless. It arrived hot & crispy but I found it a little flat in taste, maybe coz of the lack of egg. But can do lah. The royal chocolate gelato was rich & nice.

This was mushroom & cheese (I think!) pizza. Abit on the small side for the price we paid but it was crispy, fragrant & lovely. I enjoyed the texture of the pizza & don't mind having one whole one to myself if not for the fact that I was stuffed!

Cute Ladybug

Handmade Kueh with Love

Oooohh this brown kueh was so soft & melt in your mouth. The freshly grated coconut was heavenly too!!

Don't these look gorgeous?
Thank you Anna for blessing me with these goodie handmade with love. My mom was much blessed by them too! :)

Super "Wu Liao" Random Stuff

Yeah, "friends" from the Toy Library. Don't they look so cute?

My girl's new AFO, more like KTAFO (knee to ankle AFO)! Wasn't expecting such a high one. But does help in stopping the tip-toeing.

Real or bluff? You tell me!

Heart meltz! Care Bears!

I was "blackmailed" into taking this pose. You all know who you all are! :P

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mooncakes Galore & Overdose!

Yups! How could anyone with a sweet tooth or crazy about mooncakes ever miss the well-known yearly mooncake fair at Taka Basement 1 whenever mid-autumn festival swings by?

Freshly baked walnut pastry with less sugar, chockful of lotus paste inside.

I also enjoy myself at the East Ocean booth coz the sample sizes are always large & generous. This year's shrank abit, maybe coz of economic downturn? Nevertheless, still nice.

Nom nom nom nom *mouth full of mooncake*

Think this is from The Fullerton. Was so tempted to ask whether can I just buy the box packaging & not the mooncakes? Can be used as jewellery & accessories case on dressing table when one is done with the mooncakes. 2-in-1!

Hagen Daz ice-cream chocolate mooncakes

Think they'd have to vacuum the carpet to pick up every single toothpick & squashed mooncake on it!

Hari Raya Visit to Nazza's House :)

Nice pretty kueh kueh tray with delicious homemade treats!

This portion was my favourite, especially the nutella roll! *yums* So is the middle fruit lourful & cheery, just seeing it makes me happy!

It looked as if I had one of each item....but no, I had more of certain items that I like.

Oooohh what can we find under those hot steaming covers huh?

My favourite beef rendang!!! Actually, I love rendangs of any kind as long as the gravy is thick & tasty! The meat was so soft, it felt apart easily when I bit into it. Well worth every calorie!

Beef dhal...I love this too....

More beed rendang on the left & spicy chicken on the right.

Vegetables curry....this was perfect! Had 2nd helping of I did of almost everything! Haha!

As you all can see, I had lots of "liao" on my plate but very little rice. So little until it was buried under all that food. I enjoyed myself & thank you to Nazza for her great hospitality & great time of sharing & catching up!