Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sushi Galore!

Sunday's sermon was on the spirit of greed. The greek word for greed is pleonexia - a strong desire to acquire more & more posessions, esp. that which is forbidden, irrespective of one's need & is always used in bad sense. It is also an insatiable craving, consuming ambition/discontent &/or giving rein to the appetities & desires which are against the laws of God & man.

One way to break out from the prison of greed is to release generously to bless others, esp. our family & loved ones.

After service, the usual chin gang of us went to Thomson Plaza NTUC Finest (newly opened!) after a hearty breakfast at Swensons.

The sushi & sashimi was on sale & I was hesitating whether I should buy some for dad as it's his favourite. The gals reminded me about this morning's sermon & I went ahead, chalking up to about $30+ worth of raw food!

There is nothing raw about this chicken murtabak we had in Little India for dinner. Just wanted to show you all how giantic it was! *grin*

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